Monday, September 30, 2013

The Secret Key to Slim, Sexy and Strong:

Obviously there are many factors to becoming slim, sexy and strong.  But one key seems to be frequently overlooked and quite often is the reason exercisers fail to achieve their fat loss goals.

(Be sure to read the “P.S.” at the bottom to read about TR members who utilized this key to get ripped, drop pant sizes and lose inches off the waist…)

That key is focusing on the quality of your movement.  Laser like focus.  Making sure your body is moving in the manner it is supposed to.  Moving “functionally”, or “with good form” to the non-fitness pro.  Unfortunately, exercisers may accept this idea, but fail to practice or emphasize it in many cases. 

Why would people ignore something that works?  Why would people not do what will get them to their 
health and fitness goals?  I’m not a psychiatrist, but I think…

The reason nobody cares about moving correctly is that it’s not sexy.  It doesn’t sell TV time and magazines.  It doesn’t seem like a quick, simple fix to people.  (Although it is simple to a good fitness professional).

But the reality is, focusing on improving movement works, period.

There are two reasons for this:

1.  Moving better leads to better workouts.

Moving efficiently means more weight can be moved, for longer periods, with quicker recovery times.  The person who moves well gets a HELL of a lot more done in his or her workouts than the people who don’t move well.  The people who aren’t moving well are simply stepping on their gas pedal harder when their alignment is off.  They’re not getting there faster and they’re going to breakdown more quickly…which leads to…

2.  Moving better prevents Injury

The overwhelming #1 cause of orthopedic problems is misaligned joints.  When this is allowed to happen during exercise, it accelerates the injury cycle as added weight, effort and fatigue are put on to the misaligned joints.  Although “pushing through” may be an admirable mindset in other aspects of life, it only leads to diminishing returns in the exercise realm.  (Reminder: the person who coined the term “No pain, no gain” was a learning impaired individual).  When you get injured, you can’t exercise.  When you can’t exercise, you can’t get fit.  Pay attention to how you move – it will keep you training consistently and well.

P.S.  Still not convinced?  Be sure to look for part 2 of this article coming soon to hear about TR members who focused on the above, and got shredded, dropped pant sizes, waist inches!

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