Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Hot Woman Next Door

If you’ve never read my stuff before, be warned: I have the proclivity to deliver my point in a rather circuitous manner sometimes. This is one of those times – but my point is a good one – stick with me.

And also, if you’ve never read my stuff before, be aware that I can be somewhat blunt – too much so for some. If that bothers you, now’s a good time to stop reading this and grab an issue of Shape Magazine to hear all about the inner thigh trouble spot instead.

I just recently read a great book called “The Millionaire Next Door”. It’s actually been around for awhile, apparently, – I’m behind on my reading. Long story short, is that it gets its title from the fact that most millionaires in the U.S. don’t necessarily “look” like millionaires, with lavish cars, houses, lifestyles, etc. In fact, the overwhelming majority of millionaires look just like your normal looking neighbor because they live under their means and live frugally – this is precisely how they became millionaires, and how the book got its title.

One of the points made in the book, is that these frugal millionaires are almost maniacal about budgeting, and possess an extremely high level of self discipline that keeps them within the parameters of their pre-set budgets.

The authors of the book (Thomas Stanley and William Danko) write that one of the most common questions they are asked when lecturing is “Why would a millionaire need to spend so much time budgeting?” Of course, the authors’ response is invariably, “They are millionaires BECAUSE they spend so much time budgeting and have the discipline to stick to it.”

Now to my point:

I’ve trained many people who are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. They are the millionaires of glutes and waistlines. Many muscled arms, defined legs, flat hard abdomens, very low levels of body fat – and those are just the women.

And many a time I’ve overheard a random passerby say almost condescendingly, “Why does SHE need to work out and have a trainer? She looks great…” I know they think this is a compliment, but the jealousy, condescension, and irritation levels come through clear as a bell.

And here I am to paraphrase the authors of the aforementioned tome of financial knowledge, but within the context of fitness…

My clients of whom they speak look great and have kick ass bodies BECAUSE they work with a trainer and exercise consistently.

Almost all of us have at least a minimal sense of what it takes to be healthy, lose weight, be fit, etc. – very few of us have the self discipline to follow through on it.

Just like there are a very small percentage of millionaires who were born into wealth, or won the lottery, etc., there are some very good looking people who were simply born winning the lottery of DNA and will look great no matter what.

However, just like the overwhelming majority of millionaires who busted their respective asses and sacrificed a great deal in order to be financially independent and secure, my clients who look great, busted their asses and sacrificed a great deal to do so as well. And as sure as I’m writing this, they are somewhere right now having their next workout scheduled and planned. And when it’s time, they will show up a train hard, no matter what.

Therein lies the lesson for all of us, my friends, myself included:

If you want to look great and feel great, you’re going to have to make some serious choices. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a moron or a gym sales person – and we all know how full of shit they are. My clients know this and plan, sacrifice, and do it.

Finding a sitter for the kids is a pain in the ass – but these vixens find a way and get it done.

Working a bazillion hour work week then getting up on a Saturday morning to throw kettle bells around with me is not anyone’s idea of fun – but these spandex sisters get their hard buns out of bed and do it.

Doing laundry and other house hold chores late at night, or missing an occasional episode of your favorite show because you were at the gym at 7 or 8pm sucks – but these eye catching, medicine ball throwing hotties do it anyway.

It takes a lot of sacrifice and self discipline to look and feel great – the only person who’ll tell you differently is trying to sell you something.

So the next time you see someone working out who looks great, don’t be resentful – instead realize that in most cases, the only difference between you and them is planning and self discipline. I know that’s easier said than done, but it is that simple.

But I know my clients – and I know they feel it’s 100% worth it.


  1. OKAY!!! I'll start training again!!! I miss my old body!!!

  2. Could not have said it any better myself. People need to make a choice and follow through with it...only those who make a decision will ever get anything out of this life!!

  3. Great analogy, Jon! I needed to hear the message of planning & commitment, so thank you! It is the only way. See you tonite!
