Of course they are my friend…of course they are…
But say it with me altogether now – we use them for real, not for the silly “spot reduction” (insert laughter) techniques Kim’s trainer has her doing.
We’re big fans of yours Kim, but come on – step up to the big leagues and visit The Training Rim!
The Equalizers that are referred to are basically steel yellow bars that look like sprinting hurdles. Unlike sprinting hurdles however, these don’t fall over and have about one million uses for personal training. At the Training Rim, we’ve used them as push up stands, pull up bars, and an obstacle to which we need to climb under and/or run around. (Along with about 5 million other uses….)
If you’ve never used them, come down and check us out putting them to use!
Here’s Kim (c’mon, Kim – seriously…)

Melissa doing a basic pull up:

Vanessa showing the major core strength and stability on the equalizers!

Here’s Jon showing off as usual:
Jon and Melissa do some team training with the equzlizers and kettle bells:
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