Monday, March 10, 2014

Traits Of The Lean and Healthy

Right to the point:

I've been watching people try to get leaner, healthier and stronger for a LONG time.  And with very few exceptions, people who get leaner, healthier and stronger all have the same behavior characteristics in common.  Conversely, people who don't get results, typically don't have these traits.

Real simple:  Use my experience to your benefit.  If you aren't getting 100% of the lean, strong and healthy look you want check out these traits.  Then be honest with yourself and make some changes where necessary.  Habits aren't like your skin color, height, or other things over which you have no control - you CAN have the same things as the lean, healthy and strong with just a few modifications...

Traits of successful people:

1. Successful People Train consistently.
Successful people make their training sessions a priority.  They put them on their schedule and get them done.  In the event something serious comes up - and ONLY something serious - that forces a change in plans, the session is rescheduled to the next available time – it’s not canceled.

2. Successful people train correctly
They are open minded and not afraid to change.  Successful people take what’s a very small amount of time to learn about and evaluate their training.  They continue to expand upon what’s working and eliminate what isn’t.  And they’re open minded enough to see that what may be good marketing, may not be good exercise information.

3. Successful people work at it outside the gym.
Successful people understand their workouts are only the tip of the iceberg.  They focus as much attention on recovery as they do their stints at the TR.  Remember: Exercise is the impetus for improved health – the progress actually occurs when we eat correctly and recover correctly.  Successful people have their nutrition, rest and additional training dialed in.

4. Successful people take responsibility for their own health and fitness.
(This one is actually the mother of the other three, as those habits are born from this one.)
Successful people understand that they will do it or they won’t.  If it doesn’t get done it’s on them, but instead of wallowing, they make corrections.  They understand that they are truly the only ones who can help themselves get leaner and healthier.  They understand there are obstacles, but they create strategies to overcome them.  Excuses simply do not exist in this group.

Do this: think about the people you know who really have succeeded in getting healthier, leaner and stronger.  Then think about the people you know who haven’t.

I guarantee you’ll notice a pattern of these traits among the successful group, and a different set of traits among the people in the other group.

And as always, we’re here to help –


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