Monday, November 23, 2009

Stupid Strong!

The relative strength of many of the people in our studio is a common topic of discussion (relative strength is defined as strength in relation to your body weight). For example, "Joann and Tania are so strong for their size, it's STUPID!" is an overheard direct quote. Seeing relatively thin people moving obviously large and heavy kettle bells, cable stacks, etc. can be entertaining or alarming depending on your perspective. People new to the studio especially take note of how some can be so strong without having “big, giant muscles”.

As with most things, the reason for their strength is multi-factorial, but as the trainer and as the bio-mechanics Pit Bull, I’ve boiled it down to one thing:

Their strength is due to their bio-mechanical technical proficiency.

Sound complicated? Broken down more specifically, here’s what they can do:
They can coordinate every muscle and joint in their body efficiently and simultaneously to produce force, stabilize force and reduce force.

From an athletic standpoint it means they can train faster and harder both in and out of the studio.

From a health stand point, it means their knees, backs and shoulders won’t hurt because they are functioning correctly.

And from an aesthetics stand point, they will look FANTASTIC. If every muscle works the way it supposed to, then every muscle will LOOK the way it’s supposed to. (Duh…)

Obviously, hard work, consistency and dedication to the training are mandatory. But when the aforementioned Joann and Tania for example, do train, they make sure they do it correctly. They follow instructions. They pay attention to what they are doing. They don’t just stand up and down when they squat, nor do they simply flop down then grunt their way back up on pushups.

When they squat, they make sure they flex and extend the hips. When they do pushups they make sure they stabilize the mid-section as they move their upper body.

When the human body, through consistent practice, can generate coordinated effort and power (as opposed to the nonsensical bodybuilding practice of training one muscle at a time) amazing results can and will occur.

And what are these results?

No joint pain, reduced body fat, and hard abs and glutes.

Not bad for littluns’ huh?

Here's Tania performing kettlebell bear crawls with two 25lb kettlebells with PERFECT form:

Want to see Joann and Bernie do a pushup? Click below...